
In the popular book by C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe we read the following:

Kenny and I had not been out to Miami Beach in a while and we were both stirring inside to hit the streets with the Gospel.

"How do you just walk up to a complete stranger and start talking to them about The Lord?" Many people have asked that question. TRY THIS: Don't over think it. If you do fear will creep in and you'll never do it. Pray a lot, study God's Word a lot, ask God for a love for lost souls, confess and...

(John 3:16) "Surely is the most famous verse in the New Testament. It begins by saying something about the love of God and the object of God's affection. "God so loved the world..." now let me finish this for you according to contemporary understandings of Jn. 3:16. God so loved the world that He gave Christ, and saves everybody in the world....

On our first trip out there we didn't know what to expect. We had been going to Miami Beach as beach goers for years, swimming, surfing. But this time it was different. Our mission was to approach complete strangers with a gospel tract or a friendly greeting in order to start up conversations centered around Jesus Christ and why...

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